Scene setup
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1. Configure PubScaleManager prefab
Drag and drop the PubScaleManager prefab from Assets/PubscaleSDK/Common/Prefabs/PubScaleManager.prefab in the first scene in your Build Settings.
Drag and drop any of the Native ad unit prefab from the path Assets > PubScaleSDK > NativeAds > Prefabs > AdHolderUnits into your gameplay scene.
If using any prefab from the “ScreenSpaceCamera” folder then put it under any Canvas in Screen Space-Camera render mode to see ads on it.
Open the Settings Tab in the PubScale Main Menu found under Window > PubScale SDK > Main and Enter the Native Ads settings. Add Native Ad IDs in the Fallback Native ID field.
Adding Native Ad IDs in the Fallback Native ID field will ensure ads are requested in case there is a network delay in receiving the dynamic ad config file from the server.
Assign Unique Ad Tag for Ad Units
Ensure each ad unit has a unique Ad Tag assigned. Example: Home_Screen_Unit or level_fail_ad_unit. This allows us to analyze the performance of each ad unit for further optimization.
We have now completed setting up the ads. Let's proceed to the next step to learn how to test the ads.