This page will explain the process of integration. Here, you can make use of the already available prefab to reduce the scripting tasks.
Last updated
This page will explain the process of integration. Here, you can make use of the already available prefab to reduce the scripting tasks.
Last updated
OfferWall does not work in the Editor. Please use a real device to test the integration.
Drag and drop the PubScaleOfferwallObject prefab from Assets/OfferWall/Prefab/PubScaleOfferwallObject.prefab in the scene.
Enter your PubScale app ID inside the "Pubscale App ID" field located on the PubScaleOfferwallObject.
The PubScale App ID is an 8-digit identifier generated during the app creation process within the dashboard. If you need help creating an account/app with us, click here.
To launch the OfferWall, call the PubScaleOfferwallClient.Initialize(string userId) function using the instance from PubScaleOfferwallObject prefab.
Expected params:
userID: A string value that is used to identify the user uniquely in your application. If this value is null, the SDK would internally create a userId for the device.
To use custom background and foreground images for the loading screen replace the demo_background_img and demo_foreground_img file located under Assets/OfferWall/Resources with the image you need.
Press the preset button on your imported image and then select the OfferWallTextureImporter preset from the menu and click apply.
If the fields are left empty, the default values will be used:
Background: Black image
Foreground: App icon
By default, the Offerwall opens in Portrait orientation. If you want to change this behaviour, do the following changes.
Add the below line inside the <application></application> tag in your AndroidManifest.xml file.
To handle the SDK callbacks, subscribe to the events that are made available by the SimpleIntegration script.
To launch the OfferWall, call the AdvancedIntegration.ShowOfferWall() function using the PubScaleOfferwallAdvanced prefab.
Can also be used in onClick of a button:
Please use the sandbox environment for testing purposes to get instant callbacks and rewards. To learn how to enable the Sandbox environment, click here.
Finally, To test the offer wall, build the application to an actual device. Check if you can launch the Offerwall and get the appropriate callbacks.