Scene setup
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Drag and drop the OfferWall prefab from Assets > OfferWall > Prefabs > OfferWall.prefab in the first scene in your Build Settings.
Drag and Drop OfferWallButton prefab
Drag and drop the OfferWallButton prefab from Assets > OfferWall > Prefabs > OfferWallButton.prefab under any canvas game object.
Enter your PubScale app ID inside the "App Key" field located on OfferWall prefab.
The PubScale app ID is an 8-digit identifier generated during the app creation process within the dashboard.
Finally, To test the offer wall, build the application with the OfferWallDemo scene to an actual device. Check if you can see the “Open OfferWall” button.
Please make sure you have the Android build grade version 4 and above.