React Native

Offerwalls are in-app ads that incentivize users to take particular actions. In return, the user gets an in-app reward and the developer gets paid by the advertiser.

1. Add this to your build.gradle file

Add the below line inside the dependencies block in your build.gradle file


2. Configure proguard rules

For the SDK to work properly in release(obfuscated/minified) builds, add the following rules in your file.
-keep class com.pubscale.sdkone.offerwall.** {*;}
-keep class** {*;}
#Supporting R8 full mode
-keep,allowobfuscation,allowshrinking class kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
-keep,allowobfuscation,allowshrinking interface retrofit2.Call
-keep,allowobfuscation,allowshrinking class retrofit2.Response

We have added the SDK to the project. Learn how to initialize the SDK in the next step

3. Add native module files

Add the following files to your android app's module directory.

Add the following line inside the getPackages() method of MainApplication class.

packages.add(new PubscaleOfferwallSdkPackage());

4. Initialize the SDK

To initialize the SDK, call the PubscaleOfferwall.init() method.

Pass the app_id (generated from the console) as the first parameter of the init method. Make sure to call the init method as soon as your app starts up, ideally in app.js or index.js.

Obtain your app_id from the PubScale Dashboard by adding your app and configuring the offerwall. Once completed, you will receive a unique 8-digit app ID.

Optional Parameters:



Pass your user's id in this field to tag your user. This id will be sent along with the S2S callback. Make sure to call the init function every time the user id changes.


An image that will be displayed as a banner on top of the offer wall. Pass the image in base64 encoded format. The background will be black by default.


An image that will be displayed in the center on the top banner of the offerwall. Pass the image in base64 encoded format. Default value is the app icon.

4.1. Making the Init call

Use sandbox environment app ID for testing purposes.

Sandbox Environment - Learn how to setup Sandbox environment

import {NativeModules, Alert} from 'react-native';
const {PubscaleOfferwall} = NativeModules;

//initialises the SDK.
//call init once the user is logged in.

PubscaleOfferwall.init( "app_id", {
    "user_id": "test-user", //optional, but require to tag user to offer completion.
    "background_Base64": base64Image,
    "appicon_Base64": app64Image, //optional
}, () => { //onSuccess Callback
}, (errMsg)=>{ //onFailure Callbacks

5. Start the OfferWall

To start the offerwall, just call, PubscaleOfferwall.launch() method.

PubscaleOfferwall.launch(() => {
    console.log("close"); //onClose
}, (errMsg) => {
    console.log(errMsg); //onFailure

6. Setup S2S callbacks

Setup the S2S callbacks to get instant updates whenever the user gets the reward. You can use this callback to reward the user in your application. Learn more.

7. Test the OfferWall

Please use the sandbox environment for testing purposes to get instant callbacks and rewards. To learn how to enable the Sandbox environment, click here.

Finally, To test the offerwall, build the application to an actual device. Check if you can launch the Offerwall and get the appropriate callbacks.

Last updated

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